Bekijk artikels die jou kunnen helpen 'htaccess'
Sometimes it becomes necessary to block access to the site or part of it from certain IP...
Sometimes it becomes necessary to deny access to certain files. For example, to configuration...
One of the standard tasks that can be solved by using .htaccess is restricting access to a...
If you have 2 domains hosted (not necessarily on the same site) domain1.tld и domain2.tld, and...
We want to “explain” to the web server that all HTML documents that are hosted on the server must...
In some cases, it is necessary to display a list of files in a directory (directory listing) if...
For example, there's a domain1.tld and synonym domain2.tld. If you request the address in the...
Индексный файл или файл-индекс — это тот файл, который открывается по умолчанию при обращении...
The .htaccess file (note that the first character in the file name is a dot) is used to control...