Let's give an example for editors vi and joe. Files using them can be opened using the commands vi test.txt or joe test.txt
Редактор VI
- i — enter editing mode;
- /test — find a line in the file containing the word “test”;
- Esc : wq Enter — exit the file, saving it;
- Esc : q! Enter — exit the file without saving it.
For detailed help with the vi editor, run the commandman vi in the Unix shell (q - exit from help).
Редактор JOE
- Ctrl+K H - help on commands;
- Ctrl+K X - exit the file and save;
- Ctrl+K Q - exit without saving;
- Ctrl+C - exit without saving (convenient if you haven’t changed anything);
- Ctrl+K F - search for a line;
- Ctrl+L is the equivalent of F3 in Windows (find below).