After you install the program on your computer and open it for the first time, go to the “FTP Server” > “New Server” section.

A form for creating a new account will appear.

The fields must be filled in as follows:

  • Name: Enter a name for the new account. This name can be anything you want (in our example it is .avahost).
  • FTP Server:,
  • FTP Port: 21 (default value)
  • User ID: uXXXX, where uXXXX is your FTP username.
  • Password: password for accessing your site via FTP.
    Check the “Passiv Mode” checkbox and click on the “Save” button.

Now, in order to log into your virtual site, you just need to select the newly created account in the “SERVER LIST...” and click on the “Connect” button.


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