Let's look at a few of the most popular situations:

  • A-record: it is necessary that the site opens from another server

    • If this needs to be done for the domain specified in the “DNS zones” section, click on it with the mouse and, if there is an entry on the new page:

      • @ IN A <ava.hosting servers>

      turn it off. After the entry is disabled, click on the “add new entry” link and create an entry like:

      • name: @
      • type: A
      • value (IP/host.): server IP address
    • If this needs to be done for a subdomain of the domain specified in the “DNS zones” section, click on the domain name with the mouse and add a new entry with the following parameters:
      • name: abc (“abc” is given as an example. It works if you want to create an entry for the domain abc.domain.tld in the domain.tld domain zone. In your case there will be some other name)
      • type: A
      • value (IP/host.): server IP address
  • MX record: Domain mail needs to be served by another server

    • If you do not know the name of the server, but you know its IP address, you must first create a new entry in the domain zone with the following parameters:

      • name: mail-server
      • type: A
      • value (IP/host.): IP address of the mail server
    • If you want to change the mail server for the domain specified in the “DNS zones” section, click on it with the mouse and, if there is an entry on the new page:

      • @ IN MX 10 <ava.hosting servers>

      turn it off. After the entry is disabled, click on the “add new entry” link and create an entry like:

      • name: @
      • type: MX
      • MX preference: numeric value, say 10.
      • значение (IP/host.): mail-server
    • Если вы хотите изменить почтовый сервер для поддомена домена, указанного в разделе «DNS-зоны», кликните на имя домена мышкой, и добавьте новую запись со следующими параметрами:
      • имя: abc («abc» указано в качестве примера. Работает, если вы хотите создать запись для домена abc.domain.tld в зоне домена domain.tld. В вашем случае будет какое-то другое имя)
      • тип: MX
      • MX preference: числовое значение, допустим, 10.
      • value (IP/host.): mail-server
    • If your domain previously functioned on our virtual hosting, in order for mail to work correctly on the new server, it is advisable to remove the “mail” service from us. Removing this service will entail deleting all mailboxes and all mail settings that you may have previously created. If you agree with the removal of the “mail” service, create a request from the control panel for a free topic to the technical support service, in the text of the request ask to delete the “mail” service for the domain and confirm your agreement with the loss of all mail settings and mailboxes.

    • List of NS servers

      For second-level domains, changing the list of NS servers is done through the domain registrar control panel.
    • PTR record: you have allocated me an IP address and I want to match this IP address with a specific host name

      To do this, you need to go to the DNS zone section, select your IP address and click on the “>>” button. In the editable field, enter the host name with a dot at the end and click “save.”

    Dear users, we kindly ask you to be especially careful when editing DNS zones; incorrect DNS zone configuration can lead to the inoperability of your resources for a fairly long period of time!

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